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1995年9月—1999年7月, 学院生物系生物学基地班,生物学理学学士;

1999年9月—2002 年7月,学院生态学与地植物学研究所,生态学理学硕士,主要进行梅里雪山植被与地形关系研究;








现主要从事植被与生物多样性遥感制图、生态系统变化监测、可持续性森林管理、城市与流域生态景观规划, 以及遥感和地理信息系统应用与开发等研究工作。


中国生态学会 第七届景观生态学专业委员会委员



中国地理学会 云南省地理学会第十届理事会理事

中国生态学会 云南省生态学会第七届理事会理事


1. Wenqing Li, Wenli Wang, Jiahui Chen, Zhiming Zhang*, 2022. Assessing effects of the returning farmland to forest program on vegetation cover changes at multiple spatial scales: The case of northwest Yunnan, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 304: 114303.

2. Guanghui Dai, Hu Sun, Zhiming Zhang*, Conghong Huang, Wenli Wang, Yang Yao, Ninglv Li, Chengwen Song1, Xiaokun Ou, 2021. Assessment of karst rocky desertification from local scale to region scale based on UAV: Shilin county, Yunnan province, China as a case study. Land Degradation and Development, 32: 5253-5266.

3. Guanghui Dai, Shuai Wang, Yupeng Geng, Dawazhaxi, Xiaokun Ou, Zhiming Zhang*, 2021. Potential Risks of Tithonia diversifolia in Yunnan Province under Climate Change. Ecological Research, 36: 129-144.

4. Wenqing Li, Jiahui Chen, Zhiming Zhang*, 2020. Forest quality-based assessment of the Returning Farmland to Forest Program at the community level in SW China, Forest Ecology and Management, 461 (2020) 117938

5. Wenqing Li, John Aloysius Zinda,  Zhiming Zhang*, 2019, Does the “Returning Farmland to Forest Program” Drive Community-Level Changes in Landscape Patterns in China?, Forests,  2019, 10, 933; doi:10.3390/f10100933

6. Zhiming Zhang, Bin. Zinda, Wang, Alexander Buyantuev, Xiong He, Wei Gao, Yajin Wang, Dawazhaxi, Zijiang Yang, 2019. Urban agglomeration of Kunming and Yuxi cities in Yunnan China: the relative importance of governmental policy drivers and environmental constraints. Landscape Ecology, 34: 663-679.

7. Jida Yang, Zhiming Zhang*, Dawazhaxi, Bin Wang, Qiang Li, Qiaochu Yu, Xiaokun Ou, Kashif Ali, 2019. Spatial distribution patterns and intra-specific competition of pine (Pinus yunnanensis) in abandoned farmland under the Sloping Land Conservation Program. Ecological Engineering, 135: 17-27.

8. Zinda John Aloysius, Zhiming Zhang, 2019. Explaining heterogeneous afforestation outcomes: How community officias and households mediate tree cover change in China. World Development, 122: 385-398.

9. Zhiming Zhang John A. Zinda, Wenqing Li, 2017. Forest transitions in Chinese villages: Explaining community-level variation under the returning farmland program to forest. Land Use Policy, 64: 245-257.

10. Zhiming Zhang Zhiyun Ouyang, Yi Xiao, Yang Xiao, Weihua Xu, 2017. Using principal component analysis and annual seasonal trend analysis to assess karst rocky desertification in Southwestern China. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-017-5976-5.

11. Zhiming Zhang, John A. Zinda, Zijiang Yang, Mei Yin, Xiaokun Ou, Qian Xu, Qiaochu Yu, 2017. Effects of topographic attributes on landscape pattern metrics based on redundancy ordination gradient analysis. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s11355-016-0322-6.

12. John Zinda, Zhiming Zhang, 2017. Land tenure legacies, household life cycles, and livelihood strategies in upland China. Rural Sociology, DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12164.

13. Zhiming Zhang, Frieke Van Coillie, Ou Xiaokun, Robert De Wulf, 2014. Integration of Satellite Imagery, Topography and Human Disturbance Factors Based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis Ordination for Mountain Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in Yunnan, China. Remote Sensing, 6(2):1026-1056.

14. Zhiming Zhang, Weihua Xu,Weiqi Zhou, Lu Zhang, Yang Xiao, Xiaokun Ou, Zhiyun Ouyang, 2014. Integrating remote sensing with GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation approach for Karst rocky desertification assessment in Southwest of China. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 18, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/18/1/012038

15. Wenli Wang, Chirstian Körner, Zhiming Zhang, Ruidong Wu, Yupeng Geng, Xiaokun Ou, 2013. No slope exposure effect on alpine treeline position in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, SW China. Alpine Botany, DOI: 10.1007/s00035-013-0118-3.

16. Zhiming Zhang, Sherman Ruth, Zijiang Yang, Ruidong Wu, Wenli Wang, Mei Yin, Guihua, Yang, Xiaokun Ou, 2013. Integrating participatory with a GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis for protected area zoning in China. Journal for Nature Conservation, 21: 225-240.

17. Zhiming Zhang, Frieke Van Coillie, Eva M. De Clercq, Ou Xiaokun, Robert De Wulf, 2013. Mountain vegetation change quantification using surface landscape metrics in Lancang Watershed, China. Ecological Indicators, 31: 49-58.

18. 解宇阳,王彬,姚扬,杨琅,高媛,张志明,林露湘,2020. 基于无人机激光雷达遥感的亚热带常绿阔叶林群落垂直结构分析. 生态学报,40(3):940-951.

19. 李强,王彬,邓云, 林露湘,达佤扎喜,张志明*, 2019. 西双版纳热带雨林林窗空间分布格局及其特征指数与林窗下植物多样性的相关性. 生物多样性,27(3):237-285.

20. 张露琪,张志明,张丽梅,王军涛,2019. 典型农田退耕后突然真菌与细菌群落的演替. 生态学报,(08): 2715-2722.

21. 王彬,孙虎,徐倩,田冀,李强,陈盈赟,杨汝兰,张志明*, 2018. 基于无人机3D摄影技术的雪松(Cedrus deodara)群落高度测定. 生态学报,38(10): 3524-3533.

22. 张志明,徐倩,王彬,孙虎,耿宇鹏,田冀,2017. 无人机遥感技术在景观生态学中的应用. 生态学报,37(12): 4029-4036.

23. 陶国庆,欧晓昆,郭银明,徐倩,遇翘楚,张志明*,王崇云,2016.基于保护价值与保护成本分析的滇西北植被优先保护区识别. 生态学报,36(18): 5777-5789.

24. 张志明,沈蕊,张建利,徐倩,罗园,遇翘楚,张秋霞,欧晓昆*,2016. 元江流域干热河谷灌草丛土壤种子库与地上植物群落的物种组成比较. 生物多样性,24(4): 431-439.

25. 郭银明,陶国庆,欧晓昆,张征恺,杨济达,刘敏,张志明*,2016. 不同性质保护地类型森林景观动态变化趋势. 西部林业科学,45(4): 19-26.

26. 杨济达,欧晓昆,呙靖雯,张志明*,2014. 基于CA-Markov和Geomod模型橡胶林变化预测比较. 山地学报,32(3): 267-276.

27. 熊丹,欧晓昆,黄文君,杨济达,王婷,呙靖雯,张志明*,2014. 基于土壤养分的农林生态系统生态交错带宽度测定. 生态科学,33(3): 600-608.

28. 张志明,张征凯,郭银明,陶国庆,欧晓昆*,2013. 高原山区遥感植被制图研究综述. 学院学报(自然科学版),35(3): 416-427.

29. 张燕妮,张志明,耿宇鹏,欧晓昆等,2013. 滇西北地区优先保护的植物群落类型. 生物多样性,21(3): 269-305.


Ø 云南省基础研究专项重大项目,“专题:植被动态长期监测样地网络建设”(2021-2024),经费300万

Ø 科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子专题“青藏高原主要生态问题与风险调查评估”(2019QZKK0308)(2019-2024),经费288万;

Ø 生态环境部生物多样性性调查与评估专项:“横断山南端优先区域生态系统格局分析与保护评估”(2019HB2096001006)(2019-2021),经费85万;

Ø 国家自然科学基金“基于无人机3D摄影技术“退耕地-森林”生态交错带尺度推移研究”( 41761040)(2018-2021),经费38万;

Ø 国家自然科学基金“退耕还林和村村通公路影响下山地植被景观‘格局—过程’关系研究”(41361046)(2014-2017),经费52万;

Ø 国家自然科学基金“高原山地生态系统格局与过程对退耕还林政策的响应”(40901097) (2010-2012);

Ø 云南省教育厅科学研究基金“梅里雪山树线交错带格局与形成机制研究”(09C0009)(2009-2011);

Ø 云南省教育厅科学研究基金“应用植物群落和DEM数据进行遥感植被制图研究”(04Y220B)(2004-2006);

Ø 亚行资助项目《德钦县生态功能区划》(2008年7月-2010年7月)


l 参加国家重点研发计划项目,“受威胁区域生物多样性恢复及示范”。项目编号:2017YFC0505206,起止年限:2017年-2020年。

l 2011-2015,科技发展战略与政策研究计划项目“水电能源基地建设对区域关键生态敏感对象影响评价技术”(2011BAC09B07)。

l 2011-2015,科技发展战略与政策研究计划项目“热带季雨林、雨林区域森林固碳现状、速率和潜力研究”(XDA0505020604)。

l 2011-2013,环保部专项“全国生态系统质量、服务功能、生态问题、胁迫十年变化调查与综合评估”。





